When You Feel There Are No Good People

Does your mind ever feed you thoughts that people are bad and goodness is rare or is not to be found amongst humanity? The tactics below provide you a fact check and alternative ways of looking at things.



You are good even if you have made mistakes. Yet you are not the absolute best person in the world. In fact, there must be millions or billions of other people who also mean well and who care. Therefore there are many good people in the world.


Every time there is a crisis in the world, there are people who go forward to help. Each day, there are individuals who risk their lives for the benefit of others, such as firefighters and medical workers. Much tragedy is therefore also evidence of the kindness of people in the world.


There are good things in the world such as beautiful music, magnificent art, or life saving medicine and technology. These things do not all come into existence by accident. There are many good people behind the invention and spread of these helpful products, ideas and concepts.


Good and kind people often do not showcase their contributions. Therefore it is less likely that their actions are seen and heard of. This does not mean they are not there.